Each state in America has its own set of terms on what makes a car a "Classic Collectible"
The Classic Car Club, however, defines a Classic Collectible as a vehicle that was made between the years 1925 - 1948, that runs and has also been completely restored.
Some cars qualify that are between 15 - 25 years old. However, vehicles under 25 years old are sometimes referred to as a "Modern Classic"

Each state in America has its own set of terms on what makes a car a "Classic Collectible"
The Classic Car Club, however, defines a Classic Collectible as a vehicle that was made between the years 1925 - 1948, that runs and has been completely restored.
Other qualifying cars can be as young as 15 - 25 years old. However, cars under 25 years old are often referred to as a "Modern Classic"

Much like Classic Collectible cars, there are some discrepancies as to what is actually considered an "Antique Collectible". Some experts say that the age of an Antique Collectible can range between 1886 and 1915, where as other experts say that they can range anywhere from the start of motorized vehicles to 1950.
The most general term for an Antique Collectible car is 25 years or older, which is according to the Antique Car Club of America.

Muscle cars, famously named after their horsepower and obviously their performance characteristics, have heavily evolved since the 1960s and lasted into the early 1970s.
What makes these cars so "wanted" is due to their large engines and high-performance transmissions.
Muscle Cars sometimes find themselves in the Collectible Car category due to their age, conditions and even sometimes their color!

Unfortunately, there isn't a total general consensus on what exactly makes a car a Collectible.
Oftentimes, whether your car is a Collectible or not is most defined on the particular state that you reside in or are attempting to label your car in.
However, as a more general termed logic, Classic Cars are most defined by their year, condition and even the insurer of the vehicle.