A Sampling of Events That Have Defined The 21st Century… So Far

2000: Y2K Millenium Bug
2000: George W. Bush wins presidency after recount in Florida where his brother Jebb was Governor

2001: September 11th Attacks
2001: George W. Bush signs first Patriot Act
2002: Michael Jackson dangles son, Prince Michael the second over hotel balcony ledge in Berlin

2003: Combined Troops invade Iraq - First Stage of Iraq War
2003: East Coast Blackout in the U.S.
2004: Bird Flu emerges in 10 countries and regions throughout Asia including China
2005: Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans and surrounding area

2006: Pluto is no longer listed as a planet

2007: Apple introduces “Apps” Improving things such as how we hail taxis, watch movies, get news updates, communicate and so much more. First iPhone
2007: Global Financial Crisis - Worst since Great Depression
2008: The Market Crash that saw the DOW down 34%

2009: Inauguration of America’s first Black President
2010: WikiLeaks
2010: BP Gulf Oil Spill
2010: Copiapo Chile Mining Accident - leaving 36 miners trapped for 63 days
2011: US Troops successfully take the life of Osama bin Laden

2011: Tsunami Hits Japan
2012: Marijuana usage becomes legal in Colorado and Washington State
2012: Sandy Hook School Shooting
2013: Boston Marathon Bombings - killing 3 people, injuring 264
2014: The death of Robin Williams

2015: Gay Marriage is Legalized throughout all 50 American States
2015: Attacks on Paris
2016: Cubs win the World Series for the first time in 108 years.
2017: Inauguration of Donald Trump as President

2017: Rumors of North Korean nuclear missiles are confirmed with testing of ballistic missile launchings
2017: The death of Tom Petty - the reincarnation of Tom Petty and then, finally, the concluding death of Tom Petty
2018: The Tide Pod fad arises leaving thousands of people semi-poisoned from their chemicals

2018: Six People die when a major bridge collapses in Florida
2018: The longest government shutdown in American history began in December, going well into January of 2019