Horseless Carriages are an obvious thing of the past. But now, driverless cars are a thing of the future… and not too far down the road! Having said that, self-driving cars are speeding our way faster than even the Jetson’s could have imagined; but what does that mean for the design of our everyday, recognizable cars?
Today, after almost 60 years of the auto industry talking about a totally innovative vision – the self-driving car – designers are taking what seems to be the first real leap to this new era of automated living. No longer will we have both hands at “10” and “2”. Automobile architects are creating a so-called casual, leisure and professional work space… within our vehicles, so that we can remove our hands from the driving clock and have the opportunity to enjoy yet more freedom – doing what we want with this new time on our hands.
This new design is expected to include an upscale and completely revolutionary look inclusive of sphered interior bodies, lit and pivoting seats, built-in computers (for those of us who just can’t seem to leave work) and luxury loungers for a quick snooze between one event and the next. Don’t worry… your systematic sunroofs, automatic windows, radio and even your optional “I want to drive it myself” features will still be intact.
To some, this new way of life may seem to be concerning after all of the movies on the big screen brought to you by directors who took a new idea and turned your wheels with their illustration of assembled development. You’ve seen the ones we’re talking about - I, Robot; Artificial Intelligence (AI); even Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. The questions lurking in the back of your mind are quite obvious to any human being; “Why would I step inside a robotic vehicle practically blind so that it can drive me off of a bridge or run me into another cyborg piece of machinery?” The answer is actually remarkably simple and right in front of our faces.
Your main source of communication is indeed a robot – your cell phone (in which, not only is this your collective transmission but it also holds many of your secrets; photos, love letters to your confidential significant other, even your bank statements). Still not enough persuasion for you? Let’s dig a little bit deeper. You trust a smart camera to watch your newborn baby as it sleeps. You trust a mechanical arm to divide out your medicine for your upcoming prescription refill. You trust that “Alexa” isn’t listening in on your financial situations and political preferences during election time. If that’s not enough … even your sweeper is a robot. So why not have a robot car? For most people self-driving cars are not feared but rather, something to look forward to, as this new innovation again improves (or at least changes) our lives once again. Some people do indeed fear this new technology as most of us really don’t like change.
Regardless, the day of the self-driving car is just about to turn the corner and appear before our very eyes, so we might as well embrace this new way of living. Just sit back, relax and leave the driving to us (so to speak).