The Best Way To Purchase Vehicles At An Auto Auction
by Karen Smith Mancewicz
The Greater Mishawaka Auto Auction wants you to be successful regardless of where you purchase your vehicles. We are providing you with several of the best ways to purchase vehicles at auto auctions. Hopefully this will help you in your ventures!
When Purchasing Autos at Auction Always Keep in Mind These 5 Key Factors

Know the product…
See it, Touch it, Kick the tires. If it makes sense, have it inspected to help curb any unknown factors.
Do Not Overpay.
Auctions are fun, full of excitement and they have a tendency (in a good way) to get the blood racing. That excitement is great and a good auction house usually promotes an upbeat atmosphere. Just don’t get overly caught up in the action. It’s important to use tools at your disposal as guides. Keep in mind those tools are not looking at the vehicle, you are. There is no way for tools to know the interior smells or to recognize that the tires are bald. Auction tools are simply a good guideline, not the “holy grail”. Great Auction Houses want you to buy right! If they help you do that, you’ll sell cars and you’ll keep going back to that Auction House.

Keep an eye on who is bidding. Know your competition. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? What might they know that you don’t? And of course, what do you know that they may not know?
Ask questions. A good Auction House wants you to be an informed “happy” buyer. So ask away and expect good answers.
Know the Auction House. Every auction has rules. It’s your responsibility to know what they are. Know the light systems and what they represent. Get familiar with the staff and as mentioned prior- don’t be afraid to ask questions. Go to auctions where the staff is willing to (and able to) navigate the auction properly. A great Auto Auction House would rather you be informed and feel good about your decisions than to have you feeling like you got “stuck”.

About Greater Mishawaka Auto Auction
Our Goal is simple: Make sure that our customers are return customers. We realize that the best way to ensure that happens is to make them happy buyers.
Our Auction Staff is always willing and able to help you navigate this auction.
Our Responsibility is to ensure that your experience at GMAA is the best it can be.
Our Pleasure is to watch you leave with a smile on your face after a great day at our auctions. We want you to return to play another day.
Our Business is a serious business and we certainly realize that. However, we also believe that if you can’t have fun doing it, you should find something else that you can have fun with.