Pros and Cons of Self-Driving Cars
Brought to you by the Greater Mishawaka Auto Auction
It’s no secret that Self-Driving cars are quickly taking over the Automobile Industry, whether we like it or not. Just a few years ago, Self-Driving Cars seemed to be a futuristic dream, something our grandchildren may benefit from. We had movies like iRobot with Will Smith meant to be set in the year 2035. Well, no matter how you look at it, 2035 is knocking at our door and we’re not far off from all of the gadgets promoted within the movie, including Self-Driving Vehicles. Today, the road is full of these futuristic Self-Driving Cars yet it surely doesn’t give off the same feel as Will Smith portrayed, which was basically his character promoting the use of artificial intelligent life (including Self-Driving Cars) to be negative and dangerous to our very existence. Though the thought of Self-Driving Vehicles at one time seemed to be 100+ years away and something that we would never want to encounter ourselves because of technology takeover, they are here. And they do come with some of the negative aspects we were once initially worried about. However, they also have an amazing amount of benefits as well. Here is a list of the Pros and Cons of a Self-Driving Car…

Make Less Mistakes
Self-Driving Vehicles, unlike humans, can sense all areas around them at the same time. They are aware of traffic signals, passing and oncoming cars, the vehicles speed vs. the actual speed limit, etc. All of these things together, whether we realize this or not, can be overwhelming to humans.

Follows Traffic Rules
Autonomous Vehicles are aware of all traffic rules such as speed limits and traffic signals and are never in a hurry like humans can be. By following all traffic rules, there is less room for error.

Makes Driving While Working Possible
For those of us who can never seem to get their noses out of their work, Self-Driving Vehicles give the “driver” just that much more time to get done what they need done.

Finds the Fastest Route
SelfSelf-Driving Cars are aware of high traffic areas and automobile accidents all over the road because their system is connected to smart satellites, often making these vehicles more aware of what is going on than we are. In turn, avoiding longer car rides.

Improvements in Mobility for Those Who Were Previously Unable to Drive
For people with physical and mental disabilities that have been unable to drive in the past, they now have the luxury of sitting in the drivers seat. Self-Driving Vehicles that the wheel for us all so that we can all share the road!

Technology is Not Mature Enough Yet
Many people still worry, and for good reason, that Autonomous Vehicles have been put on the road too quickly as we still know so little about them!

Humans Typically Have Better Natural Reflexes
Robots are not human, as we know, and because of that, don’t always think as quickly in real-life situations as we do. This can be extremely dangerous in scenarios where your car has more control over your hands do.

Privacy Issues / Hacking
If your computer can be hacked, so can your vehicle! A Self-Driving Car is no different then your cell phone in many ways and putting your commuting safety in the hands of evil hackers can be an extremely dangerous and scary thing to do!

Moral Concern
Many people in this day and age are going back and forth on their feelings with Smart Technology, Self-Driving Cars being no different. It is a big transition to worry about hackers and even the computer technology in your vehicle itself.

Insurance Issues
This is a concern that is still very much in the air and within a bit of a gray area. Because this technology is so new and so unlike anything that Insurance companies have seen before, many people fret about things such as who is at fault in a Self-Driving Car accident.
As Autonomous Car Technology changes, so will its benefits and downfalls. Because this Artificial Intelligence is still so new to the world that we live in, we must be patient to see what there is to come for the future of Self-Driving Cars. In the meantime, sit back, relax and let your car do the driving!